Season 3 coming summer 2024...

S02.5E03 - DEI and Recruiting with James Warren LinkedIn 1

DEI...and we're bringing the party. Listen in as we speak to our favorite guest, James Warren, recruiter extraordinaire, about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, also known as representation, fair treatment, and allowing people to feel and be safe being their authentic selves. Trying to hire for DEI in Cybersecurity is like expecting an NHL hockey match to end in hugs and puppies - we're not saying it can't be done; it can just be really, REALLY hard. But we're gonna dig in and talk about why, how, who, and...crap, I'm out of interrogatives. Anyways, listen in from a recruiter who knows a thing or two about recruiting, a CISO who doesn't know a thing or two about much, and an experienced human experience consultant and entrepreneur who, well, just knows a lot.

And what about that whole 'party' thing? Per co-host Erika: Diversity is being invited to the party, and equity is having the ability to dance.